Author(s) IN
Publishing Date (IN)
Document Language(s) (IN)

Book of poetry translated into French

Both the ideological journey and the poetry of Aqqaluk Lynge are part of the fascinating history of Greenland. Born in Aasiaat in 1947, he has devoted his life to showing how crucial it is for Greenlanders to keep the foundations of a traditional culture while allowing themselves access to modernity. At the same time poet, politician - he is one of the founders of the Greenland independence party - filmmaker and intellectual, he ardently defends the idea of ​​a contemporary pan-Inuit identity. In his poetry, the danger that threatens is not only collective; it reaches the very essence of man as the poet feels his disunity with the world.

With an introduction, notes and a chronology by Marianne Stenbaek, professor at McGill University, a French translation by Catherine Ego and a foreword by Daniel Chartier, professor at the University of Quebec in Montreal.

This book has first been published in Greenlandic and in English under the title Taqqat uummammut aqqutaannut takorluukkat apuuffiannut /The Veins of the Heart to Pinnacle of the Mind in 2008.

Aqqaluk Lynge, Des veines du cœur au sommet de la pensée, Québec, Presses de l'Université du Québec, “Jardin de givre” series, 2012, 100 p.

ISBN 978-2-7605-3434-6