Novalinga, Caroline

Throat singer and accounting professional born in Puvirnituq (Nunavik) in 1977.

Caroline Novalinga was born in 1977 in Puvirnituq. She is the daughter of the poet Emily Novalinga and she is related to essayist, journalist and politician Zebedee Nungak, as her mother is Zebedee Nungak’s cousin.

Caroline Novalinga studied at the Cégep Marie-Victorin during the 1990’s and obtained a collegial diploma in accounting. During her studies, she wrote a story for the college’s magazine Sivunitsavut entitled Vraie histoire de jadis” (1999) which tells the story of an “ugly” woman underestimated by her peers.

Caroline Novalinga has worked for the Makivik Corporation in Montréal since 2015. She is the first Makivik employee to receive accounting certification, a RAC (Recognition of Acquired Competencies), from the Lester B. Pearson Continuing Education Centre (Montréal) in 2018. She has continued her accounting studies at CDI College (Montréal campus) and Concordia University in Montréal.

Caroline Novalinga developed a throat-singing career in the 2010’s. She performed with her cousin Alasie Sivuarapik at a community festival in Villeray district in northeast Montréal in September 2010. She also performed in March 2019 at the Arte Musica event at the Montréal Museum of Fine Arts, Bourgie Hall, throat-singing with Lydia Etok.

In her busy life, studying and working at the same time, while being a mother of two, she hopes to be a role model for her daughters and her Inuit community.

This biography is based on the available written material during a collective research carried out during 2018-2021. It is possible that mistakes and facts need to be corrected. If you notice an error, or if you wish to correct something in an author's biography, please write to us at and we will be happy to do so. This is how we will be able to have more precise presentations, and to better promote Inuit culture.

(c) International Laboratory for Research on Images of the North, Winter and the Arctic, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2018-2021, Daniel Chartier and al.