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The emergence of Indigenous written literature around the world, and particularly in the North, marks the beginning of the 21st century. For Québec, the study of the cases of Innu and Inuit literatures makes it possible to grasp the historical and methodological issues raised by this phenomenon, but also to identify major differences between these two literatures: Innu literature, close to Québec literature, sharing of the same literary institutions; Inuit literature, participating in a circumpolar whole, remains at a distance. The functions and uses of literature (testimony, healing, transmission of knowledge), the importance of storytelling as a mode of knowledge and the intimate relationship with nature distinguish them both. The works of Joséphine Bacon, Naomi Fontaine, Taamusi Qumaq and Marie-Andrée Gill allow readers to discover the world long undercut by First Nations and Inuit societies and cultures. Their international success today is a testament to the critical interest they are shown.

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Daniel Chartier, « La fascinante émergence des littératures inuite et innue au 21e siècle au Québec : Une réinterprétation méthodologique du fait littéraire ». Revue japonaise d'études québécoises, vol. 11, 2019, pp. 27-48.